How-To Protect Your Hearing

One loud noise exposure can cause permanent hearing damage, resulting in a lifetime of hearing loss, tinnitus, or hyperacusis.

Invest in quality hearing protection. 

Carry earplugs and use them

whenever your environment is too noisy.

If you are going to be exposed to loud noises on a constant basis, or encounter brief bursts of extreme noise (such as power tools or a gun shot), you need hearing protection.

The strength of hearing protection is shown as NRR (noise reduction rating).

The NRR indicates the average number of decibels sound will drop with hearing protection. The actual number that decibels will drop varies greatly, depending on the pitch (the highness or lowness of sound) and volume.

With filtered plugs, like the Hocks Noise Braker®, the actual amount of sound reduction increases as volume increases.

custom earplugs, plug

Custom Earplugs

Custom ear plugs, usually silicone, are made from an impression of an individual ear for an exact fit.

Because they are custom made to fit a specific ear, they function consistently and have a NRR of up to 31 dB.

Earmuffs are worn over the ears, and, like custom fit ear plugs, function consistently. They have a NRR of up to 30 dB, and may be worn with ear plugs for even greater sound protection.


Over-the-Counter Ear Plugs

Disposable ear plugs are made of foam, silicone or other soft material. When inserted into the ear canal they block out harmful sound. They can have a NRR of up to 33 decibels. The actual noise reduction varies greatly between people, determined by the fit. The individual ear shape determines how well the plug fits.

Other over-the-counter plugs are available that are made of more durable material, such as Noise Braker Standards, and can be washed and worn over and over again.

Hocks Noise Braker®

American made

filtered earplugs, plugs, hearing protection

The world famous Hocks Noise Braker®

is the industry leader

in superior hearing protection. 

custom hearing protection, filtered earplugs

The Hocks Noise Braker®, utilizing the Hocks Noise Filter®, is available as both a standard earplug and a custom earplug.

The Standard is an over-the-counter ear plug with a Hocks Noise Filter® (white filter shown in photo), allowing conversational level sound to enter the ear. Comfortable flanges adjust to each ear. One size fits most.

The Custom Hocks Noise Braker®

The Hocks Noise Braker® Standard

custom earmold, earplug

The Custom Noise Braker is a molded earplug with a Hocks Noise Filter® inserted into it, allowing conversational level sound to enter the ear.  Custom Noise Brakers are made from an impression of an individual person's ear for an exact fit, resulting in the best seal possible.

Hocks Noise Braker® earplugs do not block sound, they let it in at a reduced volume.

The amount of sound that is filtered out depends on the volume. As the noise level increases, the amount of hearing protection increases.

The Hocks Noise Braker® has an NRR of 19 dB. The actual amount of noise reduction depends on volume, fit (in the case of Noise Braker Standards), and pitch (lower sounds are not reduced as much as middle to high sounds). 

The louder the volume, the more noise is reduced.